Missouri Section AWWA Diversity Statement
On behalf of the Missouri Section of AWWA Board, our Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and all of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), we want to acknowledge the tragedy of George Floyd’s death and the protests that have been happening throughout our communities.
AWWA is committed to public health, safety and welfare, and these core principles extend beyond just drinking water and to the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve. We know many of our members, especially our black members and members of color, are tired, scared, and anxious during this time of compounded crisis. We offer our support, attention, and compassion to you. AWWA is committed to engaging our workforce to promote principles of diversity and inclusion to better reflect the communities we serve. We welcome your thoughts on what we can do together to help heal division, combat racism, and work toward a more just society, within the water profession and in our local communities. Take care and stay safe.